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MLB Players Join NFL Counterparts in releasing a black live matter support video

Media Source: Google Images Licensed For Reuse

Major League Baseball players have now joined in what NFL players started and released a video in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. The players’ video ended with the phrase, “One team. One dream. Be the change.”

“We’ve been told that our pleas for peace were not made at the right time, at the right place, in the right way,” the players said in Monday’s video. “We’ve been told to ‘wait,’ but we remember when Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. warned us that the word ‘wait,’ has almost always meant ‘never.’ We will wait no longer. We will make our voices louder. For all of us who can and for all of those who could not. 8:46 is enough time to lift a knee, to do what’s right, to do something, to say something, to acknowledge the pain of the Black community.”

“You have cheered for us, but we need you to cheer with us now when you need us most. Black Lives Matter. It’s our cheer for change. It’s your cheer for us. It’s these cheers that will unite us. One team. One dream. Be the change.”

Monday’s video is the latest call to action from top athletes across the sports world in the fight against racial injustice and police brutality.

All around the country, protests continue to go on strong in the wake of the death of George Floyd by Minneapolis cops.

Floyd was stopped by officer Derek Chauvin, who placed his knee on Floyd’s neck for over eight minutes. Floyd can be seen on video saying, “I can’t breathe,” numerous times before his death.

Media Source: Google Images Licensed For Reuse


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